This led to the classification of everything that exists as a yin or a yang element. And the cold and shady side was called Yin. The sunny and warm side of the mountain was called Yang. YinYang (Yin Yang) started off as two separate terms to describe geographic places in relation to the sun. The Yijing reflects the ancient Chinese thought that everything becomes and transforms… from yin to yang and yang to yin. When one line changes from yin to yang or yang to yin, the entire hexagram changes, as well as the interpretation. They each mean something, and so does each of its lines. The text centres around 64 hexagrams, made of yin and yang lines, designed to cover all the structures of being and possible changes.
I ching and yin and yang symbol manual#
The Yijing is basically a manual that provides advice to any specific question one may have. It’s the oldest living classic of China, and the precursor of most of Chinese philosophy and culture. The Yijing (or I Ching) is a divination text based on changes and transformation. The art consisted of numerical representations, text and shapes, with the goal of communicating the patterns of the universe according to the vision of the Yijing. Intellectuals of ancient China practiced an art called Xiang or Tu, the art of diagram or image-making.
I ching and yin and yang symbol series#
The Yin Yang Symbol Evolved Through a Series of Diagrams The Yinyang history and applications are ginormous, so I will be sharing the key points, in the most simplistic way as possible. Bad? We’ll get to the bottom of this, but first I need to stress that the information will be highly condensed. Each of the energies flows into the other smoothly without edges, transforming one another.The Yin Yang, also written ‘Yinyang’ or Yin-Yang, is an ancient symbol based on Chinese philosophy, but how exactly did it come about? What is the true meaning behind it? Does it mean Good vs. The energies continuously flow in a cyclical manner with no beginning or ending. The symbol is in a circle, suggesting constant flux and change. Failure is the seed of success, and in happiness lurks disaster. This is a very apt reflection of reality where you rarely see pure black and pure white. Never pure black or pure white!Ī smaller circle of opposite color is nested within each half of the symbol, serving as a constant reminder of the interdependent nature of yin yang. If you walk through the diameter of the symbol, you experience some black and some white along the way. Day is of similar in length to night, and the number of men is about that of the women. Each half is equal, symbolizes how the universe maintains its equilibrium. Neither the white nor the black takes predominance in the symbol. They are like head and tail of a coin and men and women of the human race. They contrast one another in nature, but exist alongside. The black symbolizes the yin energy, and the white the yang. Within the oneness are the opposing energies of yin and yang. The symbol embodies the meaning of Tao – the origin of all things, out of which all of existence arises.īalanced and proportionate, it implies oneness and signifies a state of tranquility, peacefulness and harmony. Within each half is a smaller circle in the opposite color. One of them is in white and the other black. It consists of a circle divided into two halves each shapes like a fish. The structure of the symbol is very simple. It is worn on bracelets, tattooed on body and as ornamentation for attires. The yin-yang symbol, known as tai chi (太极) symbol, is one of the most enduring symbols of the world.Īlthough the symbol is often used to denote Taoism and as an icon of the Chinese culture, it is universal. Despite the simplicity, the meaning of the yinyang symbol is very profound.